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Showing posts from September, 2023

Mind Over Matter: How Mentality Affects Physicality

Throughout history, the deep influence of the mind over the body has been both acknowledged and esteemed. Our mental state does not merely exist in isolation; it interacts dynamically with our physical state, often steering its course in ways we might not even be aware of. Take, for example, the placebo effect. People sometimes show improvement from illnesses when given a treatment that has no therapeutic effect, simply because they believe they are receiving genuine medical treatment. This isn't because the treatment itself does anything; rather, it’s the mind's belief of its authencity that triggers physical healing. It is a testament to the immense capability of our mind to influence health outcomes. The impact of stress also exemplifies how the mind influences the body. We're all familiar with the myriad effects of stress, many of which are physical. My personal interest in the mind's control over the body stems largely from observing the effects of stress in my own...