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Showing posts from March, 2024

Intelligent Machines: Reflecting on Kristian Hammond's Vision and Today's AI Advancements

Introduction           Recently, I stumbled upon a TEDx talk by Kristian Hammond that really got me thinking. It’s a deep dive into AI and touches on some of the big questions about how machines can reflect human traits like intuition and consciousness. Hammond’s take from five years back feels even more relevant today as we're seeing AI evolve in real-time.  And as always, we're going to take a philosophical look at it. Kristian Hammond discusses the nature of intelligence at TEDxNorthwesternU Image source: "A New Philosophy on Artificial Intelligence | Kristian Hammond | TEDxNorthwesternU" TEDx Talks, AI's Leap Towards Human-Like Wisdom           Kristian Hammond's TEDx talk on artificial intelligence from five years ago offered an insightful look into AI's potential to mirror human qualities like intuition and consciousness. At that time, AI seemed to be inching towards understanding